Saw a new from facebook today,
a few girls and boys burn the dog house ,
which with one female dog and two puppies,
the dog try to save her children,
but she only success to rescue one from being burned.
another one is black in color .
the female dog is so angry and sit in front of the "murderer"s house,
wait for them.
dog is clever,
they will remember,
who the stupid who kill their child!
They dint hurt you,
why you want to treat them like this?
i really dont understand why?
not your pet,
you want go and burn it.
i F u.
i beg you wont have any good ending in the end of your life,
whole world with humanistic helping the dog ,
not you,
you even
valueless then a dog!
so angry and sad to see those news....
potato ,
forever in the ground,
ugly and bitchie,
you deserve a nick like this.